Outside Resources
Mental Health Toolkits
Resources from other faith communities
General resources
Mental Health Toolkits:
Mental Health America
The Blue Dove Foundation (Jewish mental health)
Therapy for Muslims Toolkit Provides a spectrum of accessible, digestible resources with what is an understanding that there are many ways to approach mental health and one resource is not a one-size fits all. Has sections on family, youth, sex education and suicide prevention.
A collection of interfaith resources. There is a section on this webpage that focuses on Youth, Teens, & Students. It contains hotlines and links to websites focused on youth. Further down on the page, there are resources on substance use, assault & trafficking all of which relevant to youth.
Valley Children’s Healthcare has a free downloadable toolkit about children’s mental health. Doesn’t address faith.
Mental Health Resources from other Faith Communities
American Baptist Home Mission Societies Points to resources from the American Psychiatric Association.
Latter Day Saints Lots of videos about the LDS faith and mental health issues.
Episcopal Mental Health Network Resources for congregations to rate themselves on MH support. Episcopal blog. Links to outside websites: Mental Health Ministries, NAMI, Pathways to Promise
Episcopal Diocese of Northern California Health web page includes mental health with other conditions. Webinar on mental health.
Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Mental Health Ministry resources Educational guides on mental illness, psychosis. Points to Websites: Mental Health Ministries, MH First Aid, NAMI Faithnet, Pathways to Promise, UCC Mental Health Network
Sikh Family Resources on mental health A 6-week class on mental health. One week is focused on children.
UCC Mental Health Network The United Church of Christ Mental Health Network works to reduce stigma and promote the inclusion of people with mental health challenges and neurodiversity and their families in the life, leadership and work of congregations.
US Department of Health and Human Services document on mental health for youth in faith and community settings
General Resources:
Seattle Children’s Patient family resources
Suggested Literature:
Kristin Neff - Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself
Mike Veny - Transforming Stigma: How to Become a Mental Wellness Superhero
Help Lines
Crisis Text Line – Text 4hope to 741741
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Sexual Assault Response Network- 1-800-684-2324